Wednesday, January 14, 2009

something i love...

often convenience foods are expensive.

same goes for convenience MEALS. they tend to be even more expensive. you pay the price for lack of work in prepping the food. fast food meals easily cost you $6 or $7 a person. pizza delivery sets you back $25-30. So what's a person to do when they are tired and hungry?

pop one of these into your oven!
At Winco and WalMart these will set you back only $3. They create enough food to easily feed two adults dinner and still have leftovers for lunch. Betty Crocker Complete meals have the noodles, the seasoning, the sauce, AND the chicken in them! You can't beat that for the price. (and in no way are they paying me for this plug...i could only be so lucky!)

At first I was really skeptical of eating something that had meat in the box with it but my fears were quickly proven wrong. The meat is cooked and in a can with the sauce. It's so easy to make as well, you just stir it all up and bake it for about 45 minutes and you're set to go.

So next time you're in the grocery store and have a few extra bucks in your budget think about adding one of these to your cart. It will be a life saver on those nights you've forgot to pull out meat to defrost or when you're just tired and in search of something easy.


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